Empowered Girls

Thursday, July 30, 2020

I did a thing.

I did a thing built out of boredom, creativity, love, passion, and deep knowledge that young girls aren't getting the tools they need to become the empowered women who will change the world. 

I've seen first hand how girls are told to be quiet, nice, and to know that they are expected to behave better than the boys from an early age.

I wanted girls to know themselves. To know that it is okay to love themselves, to love and accept their bodies, and to care for themselves so that they can be their best. I wanted them to understand their emotions, negative thought patterns, and how to acknowledge and accept that they are a part of life that has to be dealt with. I wanted them to know that it's okay to reach higher. To change the things you cannot accept and do better. I wanted them to know how to build healthy friendships and relationships from a young age so that they don't have to learn how to do it in their twenties like so many of us. I wanted them to know that it was okay to show up uniquely and wonderfully as themselves in this world. I wanted to empower girls to live their lives intentionally and empathetically. I wanted to remind them of all that they are and all that they can be. 

And I also needed to remind myself. I needed to remind myself that it's okay to be who I really am. That I can acknowledge and accept my emotions but not unpack there in self-pity. That I can outgrow things and strive for better. That I deserve people who love and respect me for me. I needed these lessons just as much as the girls that I wrote this for. 

There is this quote that sat with me as I wrote and created this journal. "Be the person you needed when  you were younger." So that's what I did. I created this journal because it's what I needed when I was younger. I needed someone to sit me down and tell me that it was okay that I was sensitive, that I saw the world differently than others, and that my body was fine just the way it was. I needed all these reminders. 

So here is my creation that started it all. It started a creative fury of journal making, a small business that I'm still trying to get off the ground, and a hope that I can help make the future better for a few young girls. 

When you empower girls, you empower the world.

Shop paperback journal here on Amazon and printable journal here on Etsy.


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