What can you say about London? One of the most beautiful iconic European cities. It is steeped in history, culture, royalty, and modern amenities all at the same time. I have dreamed of being in London my entire life. And it lived up to all my dreams.
The first thing we did when we arrived (a quick two-hour car drive on a Saturday with absolutely no traffic), was go to the Tower of London. I have been obsessed with Tudor history my entire life and getting to stand in the place where Anne Boleyn spent her coronation night and then fatefully later, put her head to rest on the chopping block was humbling and enthralling. Some suggestions for the Tower: buy your tickets ahead of time. I was going to do this but the website I was on said they didn't accept mobile tickets. This is a lie. They do and you will save yourself some money and a lot of time in the queue if you just buy ahead of time. You can thank me later. Another suggestion is to definitely do the tour that is offered if you get there at the right time. Our tour group was huge but the guide was funny and entertaining and refreshed my memory on tower history (also check out the documentary on Netflix for even more history facts).
After we had spent a good chunk of time at the tower, it was time to explore the rest of the city and make our way toward the real reason Brandon wanted to come to London: CocoIchibanya. This Japanese curry restaurant is huge in Japan and we fell in love with it while living in Okinawa. We walked an hour through the city (we still aren't knowledgable about the tube system and we need to figure it out) just to get to the restaurant. It was a fast tiring walk but it was so interesting to walk along the River Thames and see the pieces of London that I've never seen in tourist spots. When we got to the restaurant, there was a line and a forty-five-minute wait out the door. The only restaurant around that had one but we were going to have our curry. The only people in line seemed to be Asian people and American military. It was worth every minute of waiting (although some benches outside would have been great). The curry wasn't quite as good as the stuff in Okinawa but it scratched the itch.
After we ate, we wandered around the West End and China Town as we walked toward Buckingham Palace. Our feet were screaming by this point but I wanted to at least see the palace before we trekked back to the car and drove home. We enjoyed getting to be tourists: taking selfies and talking about the Queen before we finally walked back through the city at dusk. We came across Westminster Abbey and Big Ben but were disappointed to see that they were under construction and not very photogenic at the moment. I have plans to go back and tour Westminster at some point.
By the time we made it back to the Tower, it was dark and mostly deserted. We stood by the river's edge for a moment, taking in the cool air and the city lights and I was already aching to come back to this beautiful city. How lucky I am to live so close.